Numerical Aspects of the Holy Quran

A study on the numerical aspects of the Holy Quran

The Holy Quran contains some numerical aspects to it which coincides with real world. As mysterious as that sounds, there is definite truth to it. These numerical aspects surely would make someone more curious about the fact that whether "these" words of The Holy Quran are the words of a man or the Words of none but the creator of the whole universe, Allah.

male and female are equal in Allah's perspective. Both the words "male" and "female" are mentioned 24 times in The Holy Quran. One interesting fact is that, during fertilization process, the egg and the sperm equates to a total of 46 chromosomes (23 male and 23 female chromosomes). There's also this ayat from Sura-an-Nisa, which proves the prior statement;

[4:124] Whoever, male or female does good deeds and is a believer, than such people shall enter paradise, and they shall not be wronged in the least.

The word salawat in Arabic is the plural form the word salat. The word salawat is mentioned 5 times in The Holy Quran. 5 is the number of times we pray salat in a day.

There can also be found some numerical symmetries among opposite words in The Holy Quran. For example, the word, world and afterlife has been mentioned in equal numbers in The Holy Quran, which is 115 times. The words Iman and kufr has been mentioned 25 times each. The words benefit and loss has been mentioned 50 times each. Similarly, the words peace and chaos has been mentioned in equal numbers which is 13 times and hot and cold has been mentioned 5 times each in The Holy Quran.

The words Malaikun or Malaika in Arabic which means angels has been mentioned in same amount with respect to the word saitan or shaiatin which means the Devil in Arabic.

Similarly, the Arabic words, Al-Khabish which means "impurity" has been mentioned similar number of times with respect to the word At-taiyab which means holy or pure.

The word Yamoon in Arabic means day in English. The word Yamoon has been mentioned 365 times in The Holy Quran. The plural of this word is Ayiiam which means days. This has been mentioned in The Holy Quran 30 times. In our prophets time, people used to count days using moon, or now as we say lunar calendar. Surprisingly, the English word moon or the Arabic word Qamar has been mentioned 30 times in the entire Holy Quran. The word Shahroon means months. The Holy Quran contains this word 12 times.

The words "land" and "waterbody" has been mentioned 13 and 32 times in The Holy Quran. If we add these 2 numbers, then we get 45. Now, if we calculate the percentiles then we can see that, 13 is 29% of 45 and 32 is 71% of 45. Surprisingly, the percentage of land and water on the Earth's surface is 29% and 71%.

There's mentioned several times that;

If you spend in the path of Allah, Allah will increase your wealth in the hereafter

This is probably why the mention of the word Garibi to whom wealth should be spend on is mentioned 13 times and wealth has been mentioned 26 times, which is twice of the prior word.

Also, if we count the literal words and their numbers on the first ayat of Sura al-Qamar which when translated to English goes like this;

The Hour (of doom) has drawn near, and the moon has split

Counting the Arabic words, we get a number of 1390. In accordance with Arabic Hijri calendar, 1390 Hijri which is 1969 in Gregorian calendar and is the first time when Neil Armstrong along with others landed on the moon.

One surprising fact is that, there's a name of a city called Iram in Sura-al Fazr. This was mentioned 1400 years ago in The Holy Quran, however only recently(1973) archaeologists found this city in Syria. This ayat goes like this;

[6] Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with (the people of) Ad

[7] of Iram, the men of tall pillars,

[8] the like of whom were never created in the lands,

How could a book from 1400 years ago know the name of a city which was even destroyed before Arab even existed, and well before 1400 years ago? This surely raises some questions in mind doesn't it?

Also, if you wondered, out of all these planets, Neptune, Jupiter, and other ones, how come earth is the only place to have all the perfect elements for human and other living creatures? There's water, there's fruits and vegetables that we can eat, there's also meat and dairy products for eating. Doesn't that strike as odd or as if someone is exponentially being grateful to you and you should be thanking Him, the one who created you? There's plenty of times mentioned in The Holy Quran about the wealth being bestowed upon human race;

[14] He has created man from dry clay, ringing like pottery,

[15] and created Jann(father of the Jinn) from a smokeless flame of fire.

[16] So, (O mankind and Jinn), which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

Note: Information here were taken from the introductory section of the Quran Sharif book which was translated by Hafiz Munir Uddin. The original copy can be found here

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