Ir Remote actions

February 12, 2025

This post is going to be pretty straight-forward

# What this does

Takes ir remote values and performs an action with it. In this case, it takes IR remote values and then switches relay module between NO/NC, basically turns it on or off

# How this idea came to be

I felt lazy and didn't want to get up from bed at night to turn off electronic devices. Then realised this could actually help out old people to turn off lights/other electronic devices.

# Equipments

# External Libraries

You might need to install Arduino ir remote library from here or search for irremote library from arduino ide.

# Wiring

The S in the Diagram is for signal out, - for ground and + for vcc 5v. I've used 3v vcc for the IR sensor and 5v for the relay module. The Circuit diagram is below;

Circuit Diagram
Circuit Diagram

# The Code

Here's the code for it;

#include <IRremote.hpp>
#include <Wire.h>

#define IR_RECEIVE_PIN 3
#define RELAY_PIN 5

const unsigned short int on_val = 25; // remote value for on
const unsigned short int off_val = 69; //remote value for off

unsigned short int w = 0;

void setup() {
	IrReceiver.begin(IR_RECEIVE_PIN, 0); // the 0 is for no constant blinking of led

void wifi_off() {
	digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);

void wifi_on() {
	digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);

void loop() {

	if (IrReceiver.decode()) {

	switch(IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command) {
			case on_val:
				break ;
			case off_val:
				break ;
			if (w == 1) {
				digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
				digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
			break ;
	// Add 2 s delay so that arduino doesn't get too much hot
	// because the IrReceiver function runs in a constant loop, this prevents it

view raw

The codes pretty straight-forward, initialize the irremote, the decode signal every 2 secods, and if decode value matches our remote value, then turn on relay else, turn off.

Made with <3 by samiuljoy

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