
August 23, 2023

Bird feeding is a very pleasant experience. It makes you feel good and worthy for some reason, at least that's my personal opinion. During the pandemic I fed birds, the whole pandemic and it really did make me feel good in the sense that, I was able to help the birds (sparrows) in some way, especially during the summer season, where strokes in birds happen the most due to excessive heat.

I am still feeding birds to this day. I have this small square plastic box set up on our balcony and bird-feeds are there in them. The sparrows mostly come during the early morning, or at dawn or sometimes during the fazr time, then feeds on it and then leaves. Then they might occasionally come at around 12 pm in the noon, and then at 3 or 4 pm at noon, or when people are sleeping/taking a nap during the daytime. Below is a short video of a sparrow taking a short meal around 4 pm at noon time.

Sparrow taking a short meal

Made with <3 by samiuljoy

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